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Sunday, October 11, 2015

5 Steps to a Successful Party

5 Steps to Successful Party
1.       Booking
Here are some of the main places you will get bookings:
a)      Your FRANKS list
b)      Events
c)       Past parties

2.       Coaching
The main goals of coaching are to make sure your hostesses knows what the expectations of her are and to build a relationship where you are working together to have a successful party.
a.       Hostess Packet
b.      Emails/calls
c.       Overcoming hurdles, fears etc.

3.       Event Prep
a.       Check List of what to bring- books, catalogs, order forms, Specials (Customer, Hostess, Kit), hostess packets, pens etc.
b.      Have address and look to see how long it takes, double check time
c.       Practice your show

4.       Event Schedule
You can be creative in what kind of show you have but you want to make sure you always include:
-          Product knowledge
-          5 Ways to Save
-          Orientation to catalog
Some show ideas:
-          Read Aloud
-          With Kids
-          Reading Tips
-          Brain Bag

5.       Follow-up
a.       Submitting orders
b.      Thanking hostess and guests
c.       Delivering books (if local)

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