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Sunday, October 11, 2015

UBAM 106 Ways to Share

UBAM 106- Ways to Share

There are so many ways to share these amazing books! There are many different kinds of events that you can do and lots of great programs at your disposal.  


Ø  Provides you with lots of ways to share the books.
Ø  Income opportunities.
Ø  Allows you to find the best ways for YOU to share the books taking into account your skills, passions, community, availability etc.  

Types of Events
Type of Event
Why they are great
Home Shows
Typically the easiest way to make money, one of the best ways to show customers the books,  best way to book more parties and meet potential team members plenty of opportunities to be creative.
Can be a challenge to get on your calendar especially if you are new to an area or not enthusiastic about having them (yet!)
Facebook Parties
Work great with challenging schedules, less time consuming for you and the host, also great for booking parties and meeting potential team members.
Can be a challenge to get people to the event, get them to interact and get them to buy,
Good way to get leads for parties and team members. Work well to share with others.
Work best when you have inventory to sell. Not typically great for sales (depends greatly on the type of event and attendance). Can be time consuming depending on length of event.
Book Drives
Can be an easy and quick way to get sales. Can work with a cause you are passionate about. Works well for a team or multiple consultants.
Success will vary depending on your efforts.
Book Fairs
Typically good sales. Lots of options where to hold- preschools, child care centers, churches, businesses.
Typically work best when you have inventory to sell (but doable as an e-fair). Can be time consuming. Not as great for leads.
Cards for a Cause
Great fundraising option for schools and groups. Can be quick and easy money.
Doesn’t promote the books and less likely to produce leads.
Story Times
Great for getting your name out there. Great to showcase our books. Free (or close to). Good for getting leads.
Does not typically produce sales.
***Please note that LOTS of consultants are having amazing success with all of these events. This is just a quick list to help you brainstorm some ways to get your business up and running. Challenges are listed to help you know where it is important to focus your training and help you see what works best for you. They are not meant to be a deterrent.

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